2019 Class: Where do the Jacks stand?

Updated on 12/12/18 to reflect the verbal of Torren Union. Since the June 23rd weekend the recruits have been coming in at a slower pace. However, after making such a big splash early in the period it is not surprising that things have slowed down. One thing that hasn't changed is the quality. The quality of player the Jackrabbit coaching staff is finding has never been higher. The success in the playoffs, the outstanding facilities, and landing a player in the second round of the NFL draft are all playing a role. But when I talk to recruits, the number one thing that sells them on SDSU is the coaching staff and the culture that has been built in Brookings. So, I thought it would be helpful if I updated where the class is at and included the link to each player's HUDL tapes in case there are any more recruiting nerds out there. Keaton Heide - Quarterback- 6'3, 190- Plymouth, Minnesota Karst Hunter - Quarterback- 6'4, 200- Miller, South Dakota ...