Rants & Raves: U of M

The Jacks took on an ascending Golden Gopher squad Thursday night. This writer entered the stadium with confidence but plenty of questions. Many of those questions were answered but I left with a feeling of what could have been. There is PLENTY to be happy about and this game has to give even the most pesimistic Jack's fan optimism for this season. The night was a picture perfect night for football and the view of the game, even from the cheap seats, was really good. I was able to go back and rewatch the game Friday afternoon and catch some of the details I missed at the game. Rave: Manchigiah's interception in the first quarter was about as good as you will see. He read the play perfectly, sunk in to help on the run but maintained his position to make a play in the passing game. Morgan (UM QB) threw it right to him and Josh showed great hands to catch the heater. Rave: Aron Johnson had a PHENOMINAL game at right tackle. Cart...